OK, so it wasn't weekly for the first half of the year. If any of you bastards paid us, we might do better.
The Weekly News Update has the same motto as
all good journalists: Afflict the comfortable and comfort
the afflicted. Except we really don't give a damn about
the afflicted. Don't forget to subscribe to the Weekly News Update mailing list! That way Cory!! has proof that you have bad taste. |
Your one true source for news on the World Wide Whatever. A proud source of independent journalism since 1996. The Weekly News is updated every Tuesday, if you're lucky. Monday if you aren't. It took a break for a while last year, and took a bit to get started this year, but it's now back and running. Not even Fox News can stop it. Lord knows they try. The Weekly News Update for 10/8/2006 Not had enough? You are a sick puppy, but here at Solitaire Rose Productions, we cater to your sick needs. No, not THOSE sick needs. To cater to those, go to Google and type in a bunch of Latin words that have to do with sex. Here, you can walk down memory lane and relive current events that your kids will be ignoring in history class by browsing archives of the Weekly News Update and make up for your slacking. And don't think we don't know that you just scan the news for Cory!! insulting himself, hating the French or mentioning Charles Nelson Reilly. September 2006 Weekly News Update for the
week of 9/1/2006 August 2006 Weekly News Update for the
week of 8/4/2006 July 2006 Weekly News Update for the
week of 7/3/2006 June 2006 Weekly News Update for the
week of 6/4/2006 May 2006 Weekly News Update for the
week of 5/14/2006 April 2006 Weekly News Update for the
week of 4/3/2006 March 2006 Weekly News Update for the
week of 3/10/2006 February 2006 Weekly News Update for the week of 2/1/2006 January 2006 Weekly News Update for the
week of 1/07/2006 The Weekly News Update is sent via e-mail most Sunday evenings. Sometimes Saturday if Cory!! is feeling saucy, or his paid escort blows him off. Sometimes not all, since not of you bastards are paying him to do this. If you can't wait until Cory sobers up for the weekend to post it here, consider subscribing to the mailing list. Or, consider the fact that you are way too damn serious about this. All e-mail addresses are kept strictly confidential and you may drop the list at any time as long as you don't mind being an object of public scorn and ridicule. |
Copyright © 2006 Solitaire Rose Productions. Fair and Balanced my ever-widening ass. |