Like you need to go anywhere else. This site is all you need!
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Sorry, kids, no links to porno sites. I think you can find those yourself. If you can't, they I feel naught but pity for you...or you're Amish and shouldn't be looking at my site anyway. | ||
Links pages are ubiquitous on the internet, mostly because there are so many sites out there that people can't find anything. We at Solitaire Rose Productions understand your pain, and wish to help you find your way around the internet. No, not by becoming a search engine...those are a pain in the ass, bringing you a smut site when you are looking for where to buy a llama or a kilt. We have sent the filthy assistants to Cory's browser and found the sites he looks at when he's not going to Google and doing a search on his own name. Due to the fact that links sites are also a pain in the ass we have put the links into themes. And we did decide not to add the sites Cory has bookmarked for naked women with raven hair, mostly since we have limited memory space on this server. People Cory tolerates on an occasional basis Stuff Google Says Are "Similar Pages" Sites We Have Fooled Into Promoting Our Evil Agenda. Finally, a website has responded to our threats and lists usas a featured site. Spread the word yourself, you lousy rat bastards! We also have fooled A Goth Links page that this little site is like theirs. Sorry, kids, we've got stories about vampires and Cory wears all black, but he doesn't drink absinthe. Just Guinness and single malt scotch older than the women he chases. That's it, all done for now. Next will be a page of Awards and webrings as soon as we get one of those damn awards that are handed out like crack outside a Southwest Detroit high school. We'll add more links as we find more pages. For now, this is a good idea of how we here at the Solitaire Rose Compound waste our time. Please feel free to send us websites you find that are interesting, or even the address of your website. If you send along a good enough bribe, we'll add it to the list.
Copyright © 2002 Solitaire Rose Productions. So there. Submit to our bastardly charm and no one will get hurt Cabbages, toast, thesaurus, wind storms, penguins, ozone, aloe and vertigo. Put that in a search engine to see if any site has all of them! I DARE you! |