Sales Figures
They aren't here
yet. They take a while and a lot of other people cover them, so
we're figuring out what to do with the information, but
we have lots of other things for you to read.
Q and A:
Cory!! has been reading comic books for most of his
life. Many people would say that was a huge waste of time,
but rather than listen to them, Cory!! has decided to start answering
questions about comic books for people who send them in. So, you
can read through the old columns and then thoughtfully ask a question
to be answered, or you can just ask your question and be told it's
already been answered. Your choice. The good thing is, these columns
were written for PWIPop AND Comic Geek Speak, websites that are
damn happy to get whatever
crumbs we send their way. However, the archive is here.
Comics Q and A 1
Comics Q and A 2
Comics Q and A 3
Comics Q and A 4
Comics Q and A 5
Comics Q and A 6
Comics Q and A 7
Comics Q and A 8
Comics Q and A 9
Comics Q and A 10
Comics Q and A 11
Comics Q and A 12
Comics Q and A 13
Comics Q and A 14
Comics Q and A 15
Comics Q and A 16
As you can tell if
you've read anything on this site (and if you haven't, get to work.
This is an assignment, not a free-for-all) Cory!! has opinions.
Just as he has opinions on politics, human behavior and what the
hell that Three Toed Statue is on Lost, he has opinions about comic
books. Here is where the archive of those columns will be in a
few weeks.
Background on
Comical Books
You’re prolly thinking to yourself, "What
is a witty, intelligent, urbane, man of the world like Cory!! doing
reading comic books? Aren't they for people who don’t have the
social skills to be a Star Trek fan and sub-literates?" If you are,
don’t tell me about it because I will come to your house, open up
your refrigerator, stick your head in the door and slam it on you a few
times. Comics are like any other art form. Most of it is crap, and you
have to dig hard for the good stuff. The problem with comic books is
that they are no longer a mass medium.
In the 30’s and 40’s when comics
first showed up, people read everything. Novels, pulp magazines, and
comics sold in huge numbers, because it was before television invades
the homes of America and made us a bunch of fat losers who want to get
out entertainment intravenously from a big cathode ray tube. In the
50’s the coming of television, combined with parental groups who
were upset that little Johnny was reading comics about vampires and
criminals, drove comics into a sort of long twilight. Sales went into a
huge tailspin, and aside from a few upward blips during certain crazes
(the Batman TV show, investment mania of the mid 80’s and again
the in mid 90’s) they have been sliding slowly down ever since. I
think right about now, Mom and Dad would be happy if little Johnny
could read anything other than the lyrics to the latest rap CD that
give instructions on how to kill your parents.
Comics are pretty much only available in comic
book stores, which are owned by comics fans...ok, super-hero comics
fans, who order and push the kind of comics they like. Which is why
most comics read like some sort of odd fan–fiction for
super-heroes. There are a few innovative things coming out, however,
despite the sorry state of affairs. The few good books that show up
only goes to show that art will out. In any medium there is potential
for brilliance, and I’m going to point them out. If you read
comics and don’t read these books, What The Flaming Blue Hell Is
Your Damn Problem? This stuff is worth your time and money, buy it. If
you don’t read comics, some of these books are reader friendly
and do not perpetuate the "Super-Hero Soap Opera" method of
storytelling which is strangling comics in their sleep.
If you don’t want to sample what’s
good, why the hell are you reading this? Go away before we have to lay
the smack down on you. I swear, you people are going to drive us to
drink. Of course, in our case, we don’t need to drive, since
it’s just a short walk to Cory's beloved liquor cabinet.
brief e-mail interview with Serena Valentino, writer of GloomCookie
of sales figures and opinions
The top 100 selling
graphic novels for August 2006 with commentary
The top 100 selling graphic novels for July 2006 with commentary
The top
300 selling comic books for July 2006 with commentary
The top 100 selling graphic novels for June 2006 with commentary
The top
300 selling comic books for June 2006 with commentary
The top 100 selling graphic novels for May 2006 with commentary
The top
300 selling comic books for May 2006 with commentary
The top 100 selling graphic novels for April 2006 with commentary
The top
300 selling comic books for April 2006 with commentary
The top 100 selling graphic novels for March 2006 with commentary
The top
300 selling comic books for March 2006 with commentary
The top
100 selling graphic novels for February 2006 with commentary
The top
300 selling comic books for February 2006 with commentary
The top
100 selling graphic novels for January 2006 with commentary
The top
300 selling comic books for January 2006 with commentary
The top
100 selling graphic novels for December 2005 with commentary
The top
300 selling comic books for December 2005 with some commentary
The top
100 selling graphic novels for November 2005 with commentary
The top
300 selling comic books for November 2005 without commentary
The top
100 selling graphic novels for October 2005 with commentary
The top
300 selling comic books for October 2005 without commentary
The top
300 selling comics books novels for September 2005 with commentary
The top
100 selling graphic novels for September 2005 with commentary
The top
100 selling graphic novels for August 2005 without commentary
The top
100 selling graphic novels for July 2005 without commentary
The top
300 selling comics for July 2005 with commentary
The top
100 selling graphic novels for June 2005 with commentary
The top
300 selling comics books for June 2005 with commentary
The top 300
selling Comic Books for April 2005 with commentary
The top 100
selling graphic novels for April 2005 with commentary
The top
300 selling Comic Books for March 2005 with commentary
The top 100
selling graphic novels for March 2005 with commentary
The top 300
selling Comic Books for February 2005 with commentary
The top 100
selling graphic novels for February 2005 with commentary
The top 300
selling Comic Books for January 2005 with commentary
The top 100
selling graphic novels for January 2005 with commentary
The top 300
selling Comic Books for December 2004 with commentary
The top 100
selling graphic novels for December 2004 with commentary
The top 300
selling Comic Books for November 2004 with commentary
The top 100
selling graphic novels for November 2004 with commentary
The top 300
selling comics books for October 2004 with commentary
The top 100
selling graphic novels for October 2004 with commentary
The top 300
selling comic books for September 2004 with commentary
The top 100
selling graphic novels for September 2004 with commentary
The top 100
selling graphic novels for August 2004 with commentary
The top 300
selling comic books for August 2004 without commentary...Cory was BUSY!
The top 100
selling graphic novels for July 2004 with commentary
The top 300
selling comics books for July 2004 with commentary
The top 100
selling graphic novels for June 2004 with commentary
The top 300
selling comics books for June 2004 with commentary
The top 300
selling comics books for May 2004 with commentary
The top 100
selling graphic novels for May 2004 with commentary
The top 300
selling comics books for April 2004 with commentary
The top 100
selling graphic novels for April 2004 with commentary
The top 300
selling comics books for March 2004 with commentary
The top 100
selling graphic novels for March 2004 with commentary
The top 300
selling comic books for February 2004 with commentary
The top 100
selling graphic novels for February 2004 with commentary
The top 300
selling comics for January 2004 with commentary
The top 50
selling graphic novels for January 2004 with commentary
The top 300
selling comics for December 2003 with commentary
The top 50
selling graphic novels for December 2003 with commentary
The top 300
selling comics for November 2003 with commentary
The top 50
selling graphic novels for November 2003 with commentary
The top 300
selling comics for October 2003 with commentary
The top 50
selling graphic novels for October 2003 with commentary
The top 300
selling comics for September 2003 with commentary
The top 50
selling graphic novels for September 2003 with commentary
The top 300
selling comics for August 2003 with commentary
The top 50
selling graphic novels for August 2003 with commentary
The top 300
selling comics for July 2003 with commentary
The top 50
selling graphic novels for July 2003 with commentary
The top 300
selling comics for June 2003 with commentary
The top 50
selling graphic novels for June 2003 with commentary
The top 300
selling comics for May 2003 with commentary
The top 50
selling graphic novels for May 2003 with commentary
The top 300
selling comics for April 2003 with commentary
The top 50
selling graphic novels for April 2003 with commentary
The top 300
selling comics for March 2003 with commentary
The top 50
selling graphic novels for March 2003 with commentary
The top 300
selling comics for February 2003 with commentary
The top 50
selling graphic novels for February 2003 with commentary
The top 300
selling comics for January 2003 with commentary
The top 50
selling graphic novels for January 2003 with commentary
The top 300
selling comics for December 2002 with commentary
The top 50
selling graphic novels for December 2002 with commentary
The top 300
selling comic books for November 2002 with commentary
The top 50
selling graphic novels for November 2002 with commentary
The top 300
selling comic books for October 2002 with commentary
The top 50
selling graphic novels for October 2002 with commentary
The top 300
selling comic books for September 2002 with commentary
The top
50 selling graphic novels for September 2002 with commentary
The top 300
selling comic books in August 2002 with commentary
Top 50 selling
graphic novels for August 2002 with commentary
Top 300 selling
comics for July 2002 with commentary
Top 50 selling
graphic novels for July 2002 with commentary
The top 300
Selling Comics for June 2002
The top 30 selling
Graphic Novels for June 2002
The Top 300
Selling comics of May 2002 with Commentary
The top 50
selling Graphic Novels for May 2002 with Commentary
The Top 300
Selling Comics for April 2002 with Commentary
The Top 50 Selling
Graphic Novels for April 2002 with Commentary
The Top 50 Selling
Graphic Novels for March 2002 with Commentary
The Top 300
Selling Comics for February 2002 with Commentary
The Top 25 Selling
Graphics Novels for February 2002 with Commentary
The Top 300
Selling Comics for January 2002 with Partial Commentary
The Top 25 Selling
Graphics Novels for January 2002
The Top 25 Selling
Graphic Novels for December 2001 with Commentary
The Top 300
Selling Comics for November 2001 with Commentary
The Top 25 Selling
Graphic Novels for November 2001 with Commentary
The Top 300
Selling Comics For October 2001with Commentary
The Top 25 Selling
Graphic Novels for October 2001 with Commentary
The Top 300
Selling Comics for September 2001 with Commentary
The Top 25 Selling
Graphic Novels for September 2001 with Commentary
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