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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Solitaire Rose | National Novel Writing Month

Solitaire Rose | National Novel Writing Month


Yes, I am a bit behind, but I broke 20K tonight. I couldn't write Monday night, as I just had nothing in me for the novel and on Tuesday I went out with a friend from work to see Star Trek in the movie theater, and got him in time to deal with Home stuff.

Tonight I wrote, finishing a back scene and then finally making back to where I SHOULD be writing instead of filling in gaps and saying, "I forgot this scene." I had a concert CD playing, but within about ten minutes I wasn't paying attention to it any more as the words flowed. It was like breaking a dam tonight, and the scenes came quickly and easily. Characters reacted, things got worse, and my characters have formed two groups who are traveling apart. I don't know what will come of it, but I like the new dynamic, as it puts all of them out of their comfort zones, and forces my two leads to confront what they fear most.

I write zombie novels because I want to write about current social and political issues without writing about them, if that makes any sense. I wanted this to be about how we have become a nation that tortures, and how we have moved from a nation that cringes in horror and accuses our enemies of it to one that does so, and mocks those who say it is wrong.

That's still going to be there, but the theme emerged as I wrote tonight.

The lead male character, Ray, was the lead in the last two novels, and has gone from being a safe, protected but unfulfilled person, to a man who is slowly losing everything. He's had people he's been in charge of die, he's lost the use of an arm, but most of all, he's compromising himself to survive, and at what point do those compromises make it so you aren't YOU any more.

The scariest scene in the book isn't zombies being thrown through the air by a tornado, zombies trying to break into a house with no way out, or a house on fire, with the exits blocked.

It's when Ray has done something horrible to another human being just because the man in involved in a slavery ring. The scene is:

[i]“I already have. Now, let's get back. That caravan is heading toward the others, and if we hurry, we'll get there before they do. They move slowly because of their slaves and if we run, we'll beat them there.”

“It's wrong,” Will said, unable to look away. Unable to move. “We aren't like that. They may be slavers, but we're better than they are.”

“No,” Ray said, “You may be, but I'm not. Not any more.”[/i]

Not any more.

If there is a worse hell, I can't think of what it would be.

Every year, this exercise changes me, both as an artist, and as a person. This year is no different. Thanks you for following me as I go on this journey.


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