Political Musings
It sounds like John Edwards’s wife is having medical problems again, so he will be putting his Presidential campaign on hold. I know that Obama and Hillary are the front runners, but Edwards has been the candidate who is running with some actual ideas, and not on force of personality. He actually has plans, and not just platitudes, and he’s not getting any traction, which is a damn shame. I hope his wife comes through all right, and he gets back into the race, since I’m not impressed with Hillary’s conservative tendencies and Obama’s lack of experience.
The other thing I have been thinking about, politically, is how the White House is acting while it is under attack. The press has finally seemed to have caught up with the American Public, who turned on Bush after Katrina, and now that the Democrats are in, we are at least having people ask some questions about the Imperial Presidency.
Oh, they won’t DO a hell of a lot about things, but at least they are asking.
Let’s take the State’s Attorney firings as an example.
Before the election, Dear Leader Bush or one of his many minions let the word go forth from that time and place that the State’s attorneys needed to investigate Democrats, and needed to make sure the media KNEW they were investigating Democrats. It’s an old political trick, and one that Rove has used constantly. Deal Leader would have people make huge announcements that they were starting investigations, then after the elections, those investigations would be quietly dropped. Since the Repugs were in trouble going into November, they pulled out the old trick.
However, SOME of these State’s attorneys had actually investigated and won convictions on Repugs like Duck Cunning ham. So, with the election loss in the books, Dear Leader or one of his minions decided it was time to get rid of the people who didn’t follow political orders. Now that it’s being investigated, they are running even older political tricks:
-Dumping tons of paper, hoping that there is so much, no one can find anything
-Holding back information on the days in question when they do the big dump
-Blaming Bill Clinton. Still.
Now that the pressure is getting to be massive, Dear Leader said that he will allow the two aides that all of the evidence is pointing at to have to answer questions from Congress, which is supposed to oversee the Executive Branch. However, Dear Leader is pulling the 9/11 trick and saying they can ONLY talk to his people if it is NOT under oath, is not made public and is not records. Much like his and Cheney’s testimony to the 9/11 commission.
Dear Leader, showing he known his Orwell, says that NO President has allowed his aides to be questioned under oath about policy decisions. Never mind that Clinton’s aides did it 47 times during that Presidency. But if Dear Leader tells you something, who do you believe, those liberals in charge of history, or the man who has Osama Bin Laden on the run?
I also liked that they pulled out the Ron Jeremy look-alike last week to confess to every terrorist act since 1991 last week, and it was a big deal, even though he confessed to it all back in 1993 when he was first taken into custody. I wonder if they really thought it would get Walter Reed or the State’s Attorney stuff off of the front page for more than a single news cycle. Surely they know that they built up Osama Bin Laden as the be-all, end-all boogeyman, and no one will give a damn until he’s caught…
Dear Leader is floundering. The charge of incompetence has finally stuck with the news media and general public, and every new scandal that gets unearthed is going to just add to that story.
It’s a shame that the Democrats don’t know how to play poker, because when your opponent is weak is when you up your bets.
Bush pulls out the “I don’t want a fishing expedition,” you answer with an investigation while asking, “Why are you scared of an investigation if you didn’t do anything wrong?”
When they start trotting out the confession of Ron Jeremy, you come back by pointing out that this is old news, and What Have You Done For Me Lately.
When they trot out Weapons Made In Iran, you show the same photo with the “Made in the United Arab Emirates” on the other weapons enhanced with circles and red arrows and remind people that’s who he wanted protecting our ports.
When Halliburton announces they are moving to Dubai, you put forth a law that no company can have contracts with the US military unless they are American Based and pay taxes to the US Government.
It’s time to hammer Dear Leader just as hard as he’s been hammering the truth and Constitution for the past six years.
If they don’t, the average voter will think that if they can’t stand up to Dear Leader, how can the Democrats possibly stand up to terrorism.
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