NaNo Day three
Today was a much better writing day. I had an appointment for the car, and when I got there, they didn't have the part yet. I got my word count for the day as I waited, and then read one of the magazines I bought after the laptop ran out of power.
One of the things you always hear about writing is to read a lot, and the magazine gave me a few ideas that may or may not show up later in the novel, but it's nice to think about. The first chapter is done and wrapped, which means that I have to move the plot faster since I've realized that I'm a little over 1/5th done with the book. The pieces seem to be in place, and the con is set.
I wrote some more here at work, but it was like pulling teeth, and since I'm already ahead for the day, I decided to quit rather than push it too hard. I have a "no novel day" coming up on Monday, and since I'm almost three days ahead, I'm not very worried about it. Things are moving well, and I keep seeing how the novel is setting in place. I have to make sure to throw enough stuff in the early part that when the "big reveal" comes, the reader can start saying "That's why that happened!!"
I have to do a little bit of plotting tomorrow before I go much further.
The good thing is that I have time. Other than work, and the gym, I shouldn't have all that much to do.
Stress level on a scale of 1 to 10: 4
Word Count: 11934
On Target: Yes
Surprises: None today, really
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