The blog for The Solitaire Rose Experience. Yes, the blog revolution is utterly and completely over. However, I haven't figured that out yet, so I'll be listing articles, ideas, links, and other internet debris. Now, you can join in! And be mocked mercilessly!

Saturday, July 09, 2005


I'm switching over to using the blog more from a different system I used to use, mostly because this forces me to do it in a more....professional isn't the word. I mean, have you looked at this site? Half-assed is the BEST thing I can say about it. But, I want my on-line blogging to be more than just "gee, I don't feel good today, and my friends treated me like crap."

I fiddled with some design ideas for the new look of the site last night, and they weren't half bad for someone with no design sense or knowledge of HTML. I barely know English, so writing in a computer language would be a pointless waste of time. But, it's a cleaner, more professional design, and I think I have some other good ideas for making people realize I change the site up a lot more. I'm also going to be sending off the next 3 years worth of scripts to the artist of the online strip I write. It would have been a year's worth, but since it's now weekly instead of three times a week, they'll last longer. I just need to strip out all of the topical references (which is probably a good thing) and tighten the jokes.

I'm also going to be getting rid of a few sections on the site, like letters, and merging all of the different essays into one page.

As for what is going on in the world...I have no clue. I heard about the bombings in London, but other than the initial reports on the BBC, I know nothing. I would imagine that Bush is beating it like a dead horse, but...

The current justification for the war in Iraq is "We fight them there so we don't have to fight them here." "There" seems to be getting a lot closer to "here", so that plan doesn't seem like a very solid one to me.


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