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Saturday, June 04, 2005

Win Ben Stein's Sanity

Ben Stein, before he became an actor, was an official in the Nixon Administration. I've seen him on various shows, and he usually comes off as an intelligent, sane human being, who happens to believe in Market Capitalism in much the same way that Revival preachers believbe in God. However, if you want proof that working with Richard Nixon is dangerous to your sanity, here he is talking about Mark Felt:

And, blood will tell, as the old saying goes: his posterity is now dragging out his old body and putting it on display to make money. (Have you noticed how Mark Felt looks like one of those old Nazi war criminals they find in Bolivia or Paraguay? That same, haunted, hunted look combined with a glee at what he has managed to get away with so far?)

And it gets worse: it's been reported that Mark Felt is at least part Jewish. The reason this is worse is that at the same time that Mark Felt was betraying Richard Nixon, Nixon was saving Eretz Israel. It is a terrifying chapter in betrayal and ingratitude. If he even knows what shame is, I wonder if he felt a moment's shame as he tortured the man who brought security and salvation to the land of so many of his and my fellow Jews. Somehow, as I look at his demented face, I doubt it.

So. Betraying Richard Nixon has turned from being equated with the crucifixion of Jesus to the extermination of 6,000,000 Jews.

How long until Mark Felt is blamed for the Black Plague, Polio and AIDS?

Money Quote:

Frankly, Nixon is no longer alive. If he was a hero, he is a deceased hero. Bob Woodward is no one's idea of a hero. A super businessman and accomplished writer, but no hero. Mark Felt is only Richard Ben-Veniste's hero.

Bob Woodwared was a hero for a LOT of people when I was a kid. And to imply that Nixon is a "deceased hero"....well, maybe to people who no longer know right from wrong, but even then, he DID get caught, so I can't see any sane person with a command of the facts thinking that Nixon is anything but a tragic figure of a man, brought down by his own flaws.


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